Geek Pride Day

Showing: 97-112 of 176 results

Showing: 97-112 of 176 results

Geek pride day is a celebration day for promoting geek culture. As you will guess it doesn't have a long history; the year 2006, super geek day is started to celebrate in Spain and spread all around the world via the internet. Geek stuff looms large in modern culture and linguistic. Every day a new phrase about cute nerd language -like geek on fleek, get geeked, get my geek on, sneak geek, I'm geeked up- has been adding in geek urban dictionary. But this geek speak is not only using by geeks and nerds, but it's also quickly dominating regular people's everyday talk on social media, too. And geek things are getting more popular every day, there are many festivals about this culture.